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Physical inactivity is now identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. Let us make a difference together!

How to get people active

• Offer alluring activity areas, always accessible.
• Creating meeting points around sport activities.
• Let the areas be accessible for everyone.



• Better results in school/work.
• Less illness – Gives energy.
• Less screen time – Focus on people.
• Increased self confidence.
• Psychological health – Happiness.

If the Sports movement reaches 100 young people, will:

• 5 less suffer from depression.
• 25 less have stomach-ache and headache.
• 5 gets better school results. 

If the Sports movement reaches 100 more middle-ages adults:

100 more middle-ages adults:
• It will save 2 persons from diabetes-type 2.
• It will save 5 people from heart attack.
• It will save 15 people from high blood pressure.

Source reference:
The Swedish National Sports Confederation



A major challenge in society are the growing health problems
among children and youngsters. Read more here...


Sporting and activities unite and connect people regardless of background or gender. Read more here...


We care about the future of our children,
that is why SUSTAINABILITY is one of our core values. Read more here...



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